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How to Configure Mail Relay for Exchange 2003

To prevent any one from discovering local accounts and to stop external systems from using your Exchange 2003 Server as mail relay whilst allowing your internal systems (like POPREP) to use your Exchange System for Mail relay follow this instruction:

Disable all Authentication Protocols for Inbound Emails from Internet:

From the Exchange MMC Console, locate the default SMTP Virtual Server, this is typically the connector that will be used when Exchange communicates over internet.

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server Configuration Examples

Select Properties, and open the Access tab: 

Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server  Authentication

Uncheck Basic Authentication and Integrated Windows Authentication.

This will prevent external systems from discovering and cracking internal user accounts/passwords.

By default, Exchange will only allow authenticated systems to relay emails, so by disabling authentication, you are effectively disable your system from relaying emails.

If you want to be sure that no relay can take place, then you should click the Users button, and in the Relay Restrictions dialog, you should select "Only the list below", and then ensure the list is empty.


Next, select the Delivery tab:

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server Advanced delivery

Configure the name under which you want your Exchange server to present it self when connected to or from Internet:

You have now completed the changes of the Default SMTP Virtual Server. 


Configure an internal virtual server to accept and relay emails from POPREP.

Using the Exchange Management console, create a new virtual server. 

This connector will be used internally only. It will allow internal systems to relay mails to any Internal or External recipient. – As an extra line of defence you should configure this connector to only allow authenticated systems to send email through it.

It will not use the default SMTP port – as it’s already in use by the default connector.

Name the new connector “Relay SMTP Server”

Confirm the message complaining that you are using the Same IP-Addresses as the default Server.


Open the property page of the new Server.

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server Port Assignment

Select the General tab, Advanced, there after Edit, and change the port to 8025.

Disable Anonymous access, and enable Integrated Windows Authentication.

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server Authentication Protocol

This will prevent any one from using this server unless it logs on to the SMTP Server using either Kerberos or NTLM. This precaution may not be necessary, but either way no systems will be able to use this Server as a Mail Relay unless authenticated.


Under Relay Restrictions, keep the default settings. This will ensure that only authenticated users can send Relay messages.

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server Relay Restrictions

As this connection will be used for inbound emails from POPREP, you may want to uncheck the limits Message Size, Session Size and Number of messages per connection. – This so that POPREP can deliver all queued messages immediately in one session. 

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server Message Limits

Set the Server Name for this connection to se same as you use for the Default SMTP Server. 

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server FQDN

Finally, add the New virtual SMTP Server to your Internet Mail SMTP Connector. 

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server Bridgehead

Configure POPREP to send to the Exchange Relay Virtual Server:

In the outbound settings tab, after the SMTP Host Name add :Port No.
In order to use the new virtual SMTP Server you just created use port 8025.

And – specify a username/password for a valid user in your domain. This account will be used to log on to the SMTP Server.

Finally, enable NTLM – Authentication, and disable all other authentication mechanisms. 

 Exchange 2003 SMTP Virtual Server POPREP SMTP Configuration 

Note, the POPREP – service will never forward an email back to the original sender, as this typically would be seen as an attempt to spoof the senders address resulting in a NDR, and potentially black listing for your server.