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Email Forwarding Service
Default SMTP Server Settings

SMTP Settings

This property tab is used to configure the Default SMTP Connector.


SMTP Host: Specify the hostname or the IP address of the SMTP Server. By default, the service will connect to port 25 (smtp), if you want co connect to an alternative port - specify the port number after a colon, as "server:port". (See SSL for more information)
SSL If the SMTP server requires SSL/TLS immediately in the authentication state when the connection is established, tick SSL  after the host name. If this box is ticked, and SSL/TLS can't be established, then the service will disconnect from the server. For SMTP typically port 465 is used for SSL connections. No data will be sent or received until encryption has been enabled.
User: (Optional) Set user name used to log on to the SMTP Server.
Password: (Optional) Specify the user name used to log on to the SMTP Server.



A SMTP server can support many different protocols for authenticating the user. Some are secure, using encrypted secrets/password. Some are less secure using obscured but not encrypted username/password and some are completely unsecured with username/password being sent in the clear. Poprep supports the most popular protocols used to connect to a SMTP Server. It also gives you full control over what protocol can be used to authenticate to a particular server. For some of these protocols Poprep takes advantage of native Windows API's hence it's important that you run poprep on a supported operating system. Poprep has been tested under Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista and 2008.

Poprep can also detect if SSL/TLS is supported, and if it is to switch to an encrypted connection BEFORE it authenticates the user.

Protocol Detection, the SMTP server must support EHLO if you are to use an authentication protocol or SSL/TLS Encryption.

If you have entered a Username/Password then you also have to select at least one authentication method. If you enable many, or all protocols, Poprep will first attempt to use a more secure protocol, and if that fails it will fall back towards the less secure protocols. If one protocol fails, Poprep may disconnect from the server, and then reconnect trying one of the less secure protocols. in this situation, it's better to disable the protocol that can't be used, saving the time it takes to reconnect to the server.

Authentication Protocols:

(Clear Text)
Nearly all SMTP servers support this authentication protocol. Both the username and the Password is obscured, making it a bit mode difficult to see them for the novice. But they are NOT encrypted, so any one that know how to can very easily convert them back to clear text.
LOGIN The Username and Password is obscured before it's sent to the SMTP Server, making it a bit mode difficult to see them for the novice. But they are NOT encrypted, so any one that know how to can very easily convert them back to clear text.
CRAM (CRAM-MD5) The Username is obscured and the Password and a random string sent from the SMTP Server  is hashed using MD5 and sent back to the server. - More secure that PLAIN and LOGIN.
NTLM Reasonably secure. This is the same authentication mechanism as Microsoft are using between Windows/NT Systems.

SSL/TLS Encryption:

WANTED Use encryption if supported by the server. If not supported, or if we failed to enable encryption, we will continue to log on and send messages to the server.
REQUIRED We will attempt to negotiate a SSL/TLS connection with the POP3 server. If encryption isn't supported, of if we failed to enable encryption, we will disconnect from the Server.

Configures the default smtp MAIL FROM property. If a downstream smtp server fails to deliver the message it would typically send a NDR (Non Delivery Report) to this account. This setting can be individually configured for each connector.

Auto If Auto is selected, the service will select the MAIL FROM in the following order:
1) The reply-to: field from the RFC822 header.
2) The from: field from the RFC822 header.
3) postmaster@fqdn where fqdn is the fully qualified domain name of the system where the pop forwarding service s running.
Postmaster@ Set MAIL FROM to postmaster@fqdn where fqdn is the fully qualified domain name of the system running the pop forwarding service.
Manual Set MAIL FROM to the specified account name.